Mario and Cappy destroy the RoboBrood, sending the Broodals flying as they recover another Multi Moon. Mario and Cappy break into the Wedding Hall. Regardless, after he is knocked onto his airship, Bowser fires at the Odyssey, causing it to crash and land in the Forgotten Isle of the Lost Kingdom. After a battle commences in the Nimbus Arena of the Cloud Kingdom, Mario emerges victorious. After this, while the two travel to New Donk City of the Metro Kingdom, they are halted by Bowser on his airship. After this, Mario and Cappy travel to and explore Lake Lamode of the Lake Kingdom and the Steam Gardens of the Wooded Kingdom, where Bowser has stolen the Lochlady Dress and the Soirée Bouquet, respectively.

However, once the ring's guardian is defeated, heat is restored to the desert. However, it is revealed that Bowser had already succesfully stolen the Binding Band to use as a wedding ring for his bride, this being the cause of the desert's temperature. They begin with Tostarena of the Sand Kingdom, in which they must discover the source of an unusually cold desert before battling and defeating Hariet and Knucklotec, respectively. Mario and Cappy travel through several kingdoms. Mario and Cappy confront Bowser in the Nimbus Arena. Using the power of the Multi Moon obtained from Madame Broode, the Odyssey becomes functional once more, and Mario and Cappy use it to chase after Bowser and the Broodals. Soon after, Mario and Cappy find and defeat Madame Broode, who is the boss of the Broodals, and her Chain Chomp. After defeating one of the Broodals, named Topper, Mario and Cappy use a spark pylon to travel to Fossil Falls of the Cascade Kingdom, where they find the airship, named the Odyssey, which uses Power Moons as energy to travel. Upon reaching the top, they encounter the Broodals, who were hired by Bowser as his wedding planners. While exploring the tower, Mario captures a frog, first learning of this being Cappy's main ability. Cappy informs Mario that they may be able to find a usable airship in the next kingdom, accessible from the Top Hat Tower.

Mario and Cappy decide to team up to stop Bowser's plans and save both Peach and Tiara, and using the piece he collected, Cappy transforms into Mario's cap, allowing Mario to use his abilities. Upon being calmed down, Cappy introduces himself and explains to Mario that Bowser not only had attacked their kingdom, destroying its airship armada, but had also kidnapped Tiara, Cappy's sister, to use her as Peach's wedding headdress. Mario wakes up, startling Cappy, who attempts to flee.

Cappy begins nudging Mario to awaken him.