Suikoden 2 iso pal
Suikoden 2 iso pal

I can't figure it out what's wrong with this problem? When i check from it's BIOS, i still have my Suikoden I saved data in my memory card. It said that there wasn't any Suikoden I saved data at my memory card. I don't really understand about this problem, but when i want to load my game data from Suikoden I to Suikoden II with ePSXe emulator, it was failed. Kemudian copy save-an nya dari slot 2 ke slot 1.Setelah muncul tampilan bios, maka ada pilihan 'memory cards' dan 'cd player', pilih menu 'memory cards'.Klik file > Download Shri Krishna Bhajan In Gujarati.Cari file 'GME' yang telah didownload tadi.lalu klik ok.

suikoden 2 iso pal

  • Buka ePSXe >config >memory cards >klik 'select' pada slot 2.
  • Download file save ps1 dari gamefaqs atau sumber yang lain yang berextensi 'GME' (pilih region yg sama dgn gamenya).
  • suikoden 2 iso pal

    Langkah-langkah memasukkan file save ps1 ke dalam memorycards epsxe: (credit to: fazzoy) Save Data Suikoden 1 Mcr Epsxe Rating: 3,9/5 7997reviews

    Suikoden 2 iso pal