Macbook encryption algorithm
Macbook encryption algorithm

Since Apple's actual documentation is sparse we need to look for all available source This is what everyone should use in EC domain, not the old and obscure Apple's CommonCrypto Let publicKey = curve25519KeyPair!.publicKey Let privateKey = curve25519KeyPair!.secretKey UPDATE I found the new link provided by very useful and practical, especially this part of it: import Sodium Type 'SecKeyAlgorithm' has no member 'kSecKeyAlgorithmECIESEncryptionCofactorVariableIVX963SHA256AESGCM Please also note that the recommended curve is not even available in iOS 14.1, which is very recent

  • A more official link that explains what this curve is.
  • This rough demo script isn’t set up to handle curves other than P256v1 While p256r1 has been generated in the demo, he doesn't know what other curves can be generated this way, nor it's clear how his curve generating scripts are related to the curve in this post.

    macbook encryption algorithm

    The only ref that links curve in question with p256r1 is from a private blogger who primarily talks about generating curves of different types. If not, probably you can provide some pointers like NIST refs or anything else in public domain explaining what this is exactly.Īnswer below is good (I've accepted it) and it does provide a lot of information, but clarification is still required. I read somewhere that Apple has adopted DJB's Curve25519. I've tried to find info about cofactor IVX963 with n/a so far. However, there is no any explanation what it refers to.

    macbook encryption algorithm

    The algorithm name that I could see in their docs is: eciesEncryptionCofactorVariableIVX963SHA256AESGCM I can't find information about EC curve used by Apple's iOS platform.

    Macbook encryption algorithm