But the postoffice of the city had already been mentioned as having completely collapsed in earlier stories, prompting Terry Pratchett in 2005 to tell its past and future story in a new book. Belonging to this are a series of stories around Ankh-Morpork, the biggest city on the Discworld, telling about an industrial revolution, which apart from a thriving newspaper industry also results in a telegraph service based on signal towers. Terry Pratchett's Discworld has always been in a constant state of evolution, because especially in his newer stories the author had developed his fantasy world further and transformed it from a medieval scenery into a victorian age.

He recognizes Lipwigs talents and gives him one chance to keep his execution from going forward: employing his special talents to revive the run-down post office of the city. This saves his neck when he is caught in Ankh-Morpork and hanged - to his astonishment Lipwigs next appointment is not with a man wielding a scythe, but with Lord Vetinari, the Patrician of the city. Moist von Lipwig is one of the many crooks, fraudsters and forgers on the Discworld - but one of the best.

DVDLog » Review - Going Postal Going Postal